Things can get worse!

  Just when I thought things were coming together *%$#*BAM  NOT ANOTHER BILL!!!!  Hospital bills, vet bills, school loan, and now our Toyota 4×4 has lost all compression and the engine light is on. We took it down to have it checked, it is dying.   Jeff said we would be lucky if we had another week left before it died. Well our taxes won’t be here for another 4 weeks!        I am going to go crazy, Jeff too. Jeff is getting ready to put in his resignation but everything is up in the air with that whole situation. I want something to magically, miraculously, instantaneously happen to make our troubles disappear, and I want it to happen yesterday!   I keep telling myself that all will be alright, but I don’t believe a word. I pray a desperate prayer and that just feels fake and I really know that if anything happens that Jeff and I have to make it happen. So now I am faced with the admission of being a financial moron. Grrrrrrr….I hate that.  Oh but let me stop here and say thank you Vallerie showing me how to show my emotions with the touch of a key!  LOL  With that thought I am now smiling in the midst of my grief.  Maybe God is answering my prayers….His way.
  Well I have to go to work, lots to do there to take my mind of these worries. When I grow up I want to be worry and stress free. Hee Hee. Hope everyones day is 100% better that mine. I learned not to say things could be worse….Things can get worse!
I just took a look at the new pictures of my little Froggy, that makes everything better. Isn’t she cute, and that smile!  Big Smile!


 Good morning world. Today is the first day of the rest of my life!  LOL, I thought if I said that out loud I’d be motivated. Well it worked, sorta. I am motivated to write. 
  This morning as I sat drinking my coffee, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the financial dilema Jeff and I created for ourselves. All of a sudden it came to me clear as day…….. 
  That’s right! My daughter plays scratch tickets and she wins. She’s lucky. Maybe I’ll budget $20 a month for lotto tickets. Or better, Power Ball. Might as well go all the way.
  Or maybe I should try Natalie’s method of making $$$. You can check out her web site. It’s hilarious.
  So if your reading this and feel generous please feel free to contact me. I would forever be in your debt, just like I am to everyone else. But of course to you I woud be grateful!!!! 
  So what do you think of that?  I really have no idea where the $ goes. But I do know it is frittered away on piddly stuff. Maybe I should make a list and see how much $ I could save……..
Caramel Latte  $4.36        
3 weekly=$13.08 
12 monthly=$52.32   WOW!   
  Ok now I know I throw out a ton of leftovers and other food that I’ve bought on a wim. with of course "good intentions" of cooking a wonderful meal, healthy meal, experimental meal, impressive meal, and on and on.   That probably equals another $50 a month.
Oh yes, and all the snacks and drinks from the vender machines at work. There’s at least $30 or $40 SH!@#% That makes me mad & FAT!
And Jeff and I both leave the lights on. A lazy, bad habbit we must break. I can wash clothes in cold water. I know that makes a difference.  Stop the milk delivery. I don’t drink enough water anyway. Just milk for cereal and cooking. Eating healthy is actually less expensive so now I need to do some better meal planning. I also have plenty of stuff that I could sell on Ebay.
Ok, I’m done here. I hope I get some comments. Good or bad is ok.  I really would love to read your opinions about all this rambling I do! 