I was just thinking…….

I was just thinking about my grandkids and how I wish I could be closer to them and it occurred to me that my mother probably thought the same thoughts! When in my teens and early twenties I was running around with no head, not a care in the world but ME ME ME!!!! I know a lot of us, well most of us are focused on what we want out of life for our future career and future family. We get married and now the new family unit draws all the attention to its need to be nurtured. Mom and dad and grandma and grandpa are practically left in the dust! The new family has kids and for those who stay in or near their home town where they grew up those kids have the opportunity to know all grandparents, uncles, cousins, etc. But what happens to the family that moves across the states were the kids have no family outside to mom and dad! That’s what happened to me and my kids and I know my kids feel they have missed out on having that tight close knit family unit of support and love. I Keep thinking about all the photographs I have taken and wish my grandkids were in that collection! Yeah flowers and sunsets are nice but to have the family album filled with my grandkids pictures as they get older and to see the changes…..well, I don’t have that and my grandkids won’t have it when they get older either. I used to love sitting down with my mom and looking though the pages of our family album. We would laugh and sometimes cry together over the memories of past experiences. I just wish I could be near my grandkids and be a bigger part in their lives and them in mine. I feel like the invisible granny that send gifts from grannyland far far away! That sounds sad don’t it! I think my next vacation will be to Washington state to see the kids! I would really like to fly them here but $$$$$ yikes can’t afford that. I know my daughter-in-law would love to come to Colorado! Well see if we can make that happen. Well I love you Azela, Robbie , Richie, Siena!!! Just want you to know that I always have you in my heart…XXXXOOOOXXXXX Big hug from grandma!

I Love My Camera

Yesterday morning I sat down to read emails and found one from SOAPHOTO.com. I got picked for "Cool Member of the Day" I was so excited. The website featured a link to my site with my photo albums on it. I was overwhelmed with so many wonderful comments from other members. What an exhilarating experience! I ended up going out on my bicycle and took pictures of the neighborhood. With permission of coarse! Mostly flowers and objects and garden art. It was fun.

Just go to the address. click on the SOA ALBUM tab and enter my ID phpic in the search window My site should come up. I really enjoy doing this and I am thinking about making boxed cards out of my photos and selling them. Here I go again coming up with ideas to make extra money. I might be doing pretty well if I would follow through with them. the difference with this one is that Jeff has been very encouraging and helpful. He gives me suggestions that I have been trying out. It’s been lots of fun. Here are three of the photos that I took of my neighbors flag. It was a gorgeos day yesterday. Hope you all have a great weekend…..Pam:P


I have decided that I will never go to the doctors again! Every time I go I have to have surgery of some sort. So I have been ignoring my symptoms for quite some time but last Saturday My body finally screamed loud enough at me to get my attention. I woke up with a pain in my left side and then after a while it went away. That evening we decided to ride our bikes down to the Erie Cafe’ for dinner. Just as we arrive the wind started picking up and we parked our biked and went inside. We ordered and while we were waiting my stomach started bothering me, this time on the lower right side. I was only able to eat about 4 or 5 bites of dinner and I knew I needed to go to the hospital.

It was about 8:45pm and when we left the winds were fierce. The pain was getting worse and I was going very slow. Jeff offered to go get the car and come back to get me but I insisted on riding my bicycle home. I am so stubborn/stupid! We finally made it home and Jeff wanted to take me to the hospital, but just two days before I watch a documentary on the Health channel about all the Mishaps that occur on graveyard because of all the new doctors in training and lack of sleep. Well there was no way I was going to the ER at 10:00 at night! So I laid down to try to sleep and told Jeff if I still feel bad that I would go in the morning.

Well I woke up and turned to Jeff and said, "Let’s go!" They did blood tests and urine tests to check the white cell count and to make sure my kidneys were okay. That took about 5 hours and then this orderly came in to take me off to have a cat scan done. Well I put on the breaks and told him that I want the results of the tests first. So he got me the doctor…That took another hour. Jeff apologized for troubling her and he told her it’s not about the money………."Wait a minute!" I sat up(Ouch that hurt) "Yes it is about the money!!!" I told the doctor that this is the third time that I have been to the emergency with this problem and the first two times showed nothing. All I got from the doctor was an "I don’t know what’s wrong" that cost me $3000 bucks….. each visit! That answer will be unacceptable on this visit! She was very understanding and also helped me to feel better about having the cat scan.

Its a good thing I did because the next person I saw was the surgeon and he said I need my appendix out now! He poked at my tummy(Ouch)and said that I have a hernia too, "Do you want me to fix that while I’m in there?" he asked, "Well YES!!!!" I screamed. and laughing at the same time(Ouch that hurts too) So they took me up to prep me and 2 hours later I woke up and then they had me sign more papers so they could boot me out! Things have certainly changed.

I went home and then of course I over did it the next day. The doctors said I will be on a 10LB limit for 16 weeks! I went to work Monday morning to sign some paperwork and let them know the situation! I got a live plant the next day delivered to my door from management. That was unexpected and nice. But the least I can say about this whole ordeal is that I now have something to blog about!!!! Hee Hee!

Pam:) …PS…I added new potos from my garden. I really love the fun I am having experimenting with my shots. Do you like it?

Just another day!

Yikes! I filled out one of those silly questionairs…"Rate My Life" I found it on Valleries site….Well I only scored 3.8. How depressing is that? 😦 Enough of that nonsense. My daughters birthday is on the 14th, so that is what I will be doing today. I have to get a couple of little things to complete her gift then I will get it in the mail. I feel like I have been disconnected from bloggerville since I got this new computer. I know I don’t write as much and what I write is kind of boring. I feel like I have run out of ideas of what to write about. When I first started my blogsite I felt inspired. I don’t know what happened to mood that would envelope me as I wrote but I can’t seem to find it, or get into it…You know what I mean? Does that make sense? Time to get off my butt and dive into my Saturday. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Back From Reno

Well I made it back safe and sound. The first thing I noticed when I got to Reno is how brown it is. As we were driving to our old neighborhood I was looking at the landscape of the Sierras and asked Jeff, "Wasn’t it a lot greener when we lived here?" Well the answer is NO!!!! Just seeing all the developement and all the dry treeless hills and mountains made us realize that we don’t miss this city as much as we thought we did!

We drove up to our old house and I about cried. We stayed with our friends 2 doors down Cindy and Leon. I was so happy to see them. I felt warm all over and had that "I’m home" feeling. OMG their two kids have grown so much. I got a few pictures but they didn’t come out too good. I have lots to download of Reno Homebrewer’s. It was good to see everyone there too. It hasn’t changed a bit. It was one of Jeff’s favorite places to hang out at.

Saturday Cindy and Leon threw a BBQ and our few of our friends came to talk and eat and drink!!! Memories and current happenings, politics, religion, immigration, you name it we talked about it. It was a good time. That afternoon Harold, he is the man that bought our house, gave us a tour of our house and We were so surprized that he left everything the same with the exception of the livingroom. He painted it whight for his wife because that was where she spent most of her time. She has passed on and Harold now wants to paint the one wall red again. I was so surprized to see the entertainement wall still the same. Jeff and I had all the neighbor kids come over and help us paint it. We incased the wall with plastic and I hade about 6 bowls of paint all different colors and we told the kids we want paint on the wall but the brush cannot tough the wall. The went at it and splattered paint everywhere and then I took a video of it. When Harold heard the story of how the wall was painted he couldn’t bring himself to paint over the kids great piece of artwork! Yes I cried!!!

I will post the pictures as soon as I get them all together. Meanwhile here are just a few that I have downloaded. I have to go to work tomorrow, dag nam it! I had better get some sleep. I will try to catch up on your world this weekend. Hope your all doing great, I can now say that I love living in Colorado and have no regrets. I will just have to try harder to go see the friends I left in Reno or maybe convince them to move here!! Hee Hee!!!!

Pam:) ….Well It is sot letting me download the pics…Grrrrrrr