You Tube???????

I got stuck on watching till the wee hours in the morning. It amazed me how thes people are all linked together and what I didn’t realize was how important comments and hits were to the whole You Tube explosion. I was also alittle disappointed at some of the cruel comments made. But then the serious You Tubers like we serious bloggers get all kids of responses from all kinids of people.

There were the clips from TV shows, clips from concerts, personal clips from aspiring musicians and performers. Some were very good. Pen spinning was amazing to watch. One showed a gentelman spinning before and after a drink of Red Bull. I had to follow the links and I ended up watching an amazing performance using Red Bull cans as a percussion/rythem instrument. I had to share it with you. What and imagination and time consuming. It took this person a week to put it together. Hope you enjoy it.

So what did you think? I thought it was incredible! There were others that kept me glued to my comuter screen with amazement. There were some that had a continuing story, fictional, dramatic, and satyrical. They left you wanting to click on the next clip to see what happens next. Then the one home made clip that had me laughing my head off was the one from Brookers. You can copy and paste the url if it doesn’t come up when you click on it. OMG!!!! This 21 year old is hilarious and very creative. It starts out kind of slow but it is a must see. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. "These You Tubers have too much wasted time on her hands." That’s what some might say. But that would mean I’m am wasting my time here, and I enjoy this too much to think that! LOL

Mac and MSN Difficulties

Okay, here it goes, lets see if You Tube will show up on my site! I miss choosing the color and font. I can actually make the font larger by pressing the Apple key along with the + key. I had to download the MAC version of Messenger and now I don’t have the fun little winks and no way to jingle the person i want tosay hello to. Also, I don’t have the web cam interlinked with Messenger. I have lots of questions for the people at the Apple Store! Well here I go lets see what happens………….

Hurray!!!!! I rearranged my site and i have a feeling its going to looke strange to the rest of the world that has a PC. Oh well this was fun and i learned tome things about my MAC.
Pam 🙂