
OMG I’m Swedish, I wish I new about this proverb a long time ago. LOL Well I had a margarita after work and am feeling ornery. I’m also Spanish, so whining and talking come naturally!!! Whine less, breath more….I’m suprized I haven’t died from lack of oxygen…LOL..Can you tell I have had too much to drink? I just love/hate these positive quotes.  I was going to blog about work but I better wait til I’m sober.  I know I am going to be sorry I had that margarita. And when I got home Jeff had dinner and another drink waiting for me. Something called a Washington Apple. He won’t tell me what was in it but it was yummy! Well I have to be at work at 7am so I better get some sleep. A big glass of water and some ibuprofen should take care of the morning after blues….I hope. Looking forward to all the little goblens knocking on the door Halloween night.

You guys are great!

  I recieve a daily news letter from a website called I think it’s a great site. Lots of tidbits of info and recipes too. As soon as I saw the name Mother Theresa I thought of Brenda, and yes Brenda, Here in Colorado the kids put on their cute costumes and then cover them up with an overcoat! LOL


For you Brenda, Hope you like this one better!!LOL  I think it’s a snow pumpkin without the snow.

Then I ‘thot’ of Russ and his uplifting comments. How do you find the time to interact with all your friends in Bloggerville?  And Vallerie and Ron, if Mother Teresa was commenting the perfect family, a picture of yours would be next to it. Well, hee hee,  if she  were Morman.   Are you going to adopt me or not? LOL  There are a lot of you that read my blog!A3FB6E377F1E4F29!1318.entry and quickly came back with all the right comments that made me feel better about getting older. You guys are great! Hope you have a Happy Halloween with lots of trick o treeters!

Aging Well

By helping others, we forget about our own problems–and feel younger in the process.

By Stephen Ruppenthal


Mother Teresa of Calcutta used to say that the world is hungry for our help and our love. Whether we seek to help people, animals, or the earth itself, the world’s need for our service has never been greater. And the funny thing is, the more we help, the more energy we get. That’s because when we make a difference in life, we forget about our own problems, which are really what make us feel old.

Of course, it fills us with sadness when youth passes away and we face some difficult issues of life. This may, for example, mean coming to grips with reduced earning power, recent disappointments, or long-buried sadness. I believe that, more than the wrinkles and the aches and pains, such a process of facing an account with ourselves makes aging more painful. But we can gain joy and a vitality different from the easy energy of youth when we help others, alleviate the plight of the disadvantaged, or work to heal the earth. And this vitality can endure even into our last years.

If you make the effort to find meaningful ways to spend your time, contributing to the world and making even a small difference, you will be valued. Age will then be just a number, not a prison. Here are some things to keep in mind as you look for the ways you can best tap into your inner power.

1. Conserve your strength. No question, meeting others’ needs is one of the trickiest areas in human life. Some individuals are perpetually needy; with the best intentions in the world, we may try to rescue them–when it would be better to let them help themselves. Whether you’re helping a friend or a nonprofit group, make sure your own legitimate needs are reasonably fulfilled, your own personal boundaries healthy, and that you are giving from personal fullness, not taking away vital resources you need for yourself.

2. Think big, start small. When we were younger, energy was abundant and seemed to automatically connect us to many friends. But as we age and this energy ebbs, we may feel depressed and alone. Now it’s necessary to reach out and make that extra effort. It might seem small, but pick up the phone and call that friend you have lost touch with and suggest meeting for coffee. Or offer to help your neighbor prune her roses or pick tomatoes. If you just look for small opportunities, your attention will leave your own problems as you make a difference for someone else.

3. Find a need that meets you “in the heart.” My grandfather, a lifelong do-it-yourselfer, discovered his passion by offering to fix things free of charge for other residents of his Florida retirement community. I don’t believe he felt old on the day he died. He remained happy because he was able to help many people from his very nature. You may not have fix-it skills, but every one of us has something we care deeply about. If you are not sure what your passion is, ask those close to you how you have been most helpful to them. You may be surprised. I heard of a man who was taciturn but loved dogs, and he ended up training companion dogs to visit the elderly. He may not have been much of a talker, but his passion brought much happiness and companionship to many lonely people.

4. Use your wisdom. Keep in mind the unique gifts and skills you’ve developed over a lifetime. The years ahead stretch out before the 25-year-old, but for us, every action counts. Any help we can extend to others is bound to be appreciated, but we work best when we find a context where our own unique skills can grow and bloom. For example, a retired actress I know trained as a reading-skills tutor to help low-achieving students in a local elementary school. Her love of reading and dramatic ability really got through to the kids. They did better in school and often went on to college. As they moved into careers and became parents themselves, her influence expanded to reach a whole new generation.

No matter what your age, you can stay creative and change the lives of people for the better. The longer you live, the more people will benefit from your life—and your happiness will grow exponentially.

It’s Snowing!

   Hurray!!! It’s snowing. This is what I woke up to this morning and the weatherman says it will        keep on snowing all day. Today is my day off and carving pumpkins and makining a snowman is at the top of my list of IMPORTANT things to do! The forcast for this weekend is sunny and 68 degrees.  Just like Reno, a rollercoaster of weather here in Colorado. Not looking forward to driving to work tomarrowmorning.                                                                                                                                    
   We have about 5 inches here in Erie. Jeff is driving to Aurora where there is about 8 to  10          inches of snow. Watch out for the other guy honey!  
  No snowman but I did carve the pumpkin. Check it out.  

Froggy’s New Chair

  My grandaughter, Siena just loves her new chair. She has the cutest expressions, don’t you agree? LOL 
  It’s 2:30AM and I can’t sleep so here I am. I was looking through my pictures wishing that I lived near my grandchildren. I talked to my daughter inlaw, Mary, about visiting me here in Colorado. She is in Washington state and really wants to bring the kids. The cheapest tickets were $193. Yikes, for all to come would cost $1000. I told her that I could pay for half. Well we shall see if this comes about.
  I think I will try to talk Jeff into a vacation to Seattle! I might just go by myself. MIGHT! I hate traveling by myself. And I don’t know my way around. We’ll see. Okay i am going to try to catch some more Z’s.   I just reread this and can tell that sleep is just around the corner. I’m rambling aren’t I? ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

New Store Manager

  Hey, we finally got a new store manager….Hurray!!!  The Queen Bee has been transfered to a new store. Already you can see the change in the associates attitude. All for the better. I talked to Shane for almost two hours about some changes I would like to make and he agreed with me on everything. Now that was a big suprize.  He is a military man and served in Iraq. A real nice guy, down to earth and he has a sence of humor too.
  I was pretty depressed for a while there, but now I think I got my Wal-Mart grove back, LOL!!!  My sales are up in all three departments, and my shelves are fully stocked. That makes me feel much better.  Hopefully things will continue on this positive note.
  Is everyone ready for the goblins? I still need to get candy. I didn’t decorate the yard this year. But I did get a pumpkin to carve. And I will roast the seeds. That’s all for now got to make dinner.

Last motorcycle ride of the year

  Ok this is it, our last ride of the year. We rode to Nederland again then to Ecco Lake. That was pretty scary. There was snow and the melt off was still on the pavement. We came around a corner and it looked like black ice in the shaded area. Gave us a  real scare but then we realized it was just water. Then we went through Evergreen and Morrison. Sunday was a beautiful day.  Now today it is snowing, has been all day and will through the night. Brrrrrrrr its cold. I took some pictures of Sunday’s ride and todays first snow. There in my new batch of photos.  I’m not much for words today so I’ll cut it short.

Healthy Heart

  Naturally I emailed all our friends and relatives to tell them Jeff was in the hospital. And again to reassure everyone that he is healthy and needs to work on eliminating his stress load. Hmmm, now that’s a scary thought. I know that I am part of that stress load!!!! LOL Any how my friend in Reno sent this email to me. Lots of good stuff here…….
Women should know that not every heart
attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting.
Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line…

You may never have the first chest pain during

the course of a
heart attack.
Nausea & intense sweating

are also common symptoms.

60% of people who have a
heart attack
while they are asleep do not wake up…

The pain in the jaw happens to many

& awakes them from a sound sleep.

Some may be a fortunate ones. Trust them since they tell you its pain unlike anything

they’ve ever experienced before…

Given a choice between natural child birth
& a
heart attack, pain-wise ~
it’s much easier to have a baby..!!

Let’s be careful and be aware.
The more we know, the better chance

we could survive…

A cardiologist says if everyone

who gets this mail sends it to 10  
 others ~ you can be sure that

we’ll save at least one life. Read this…

It could save your life.!!

Let’s say it’s
6:15 PM and you’re driving home
(alone of course), after an unusually hard day
on the job. You’re tired, upset and frustrated.

Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain

in your chest that starts to radiate out

into your arm and up into your jaw.

You are only about five
miles from the hospital nearest your home

Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be
able to make it that far.
You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that
taught the course did not tell you

how to perform it on yourself.


Since many people are alone
when they suffer a heart attack,
without help, the person whose heart is beating
improperly and who begins to
feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left
before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves

by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously

A deep breath should be taken before each cough,
and the cough must be
deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum

from deep inside the chest..!!

A breath & a cough must be repeated
about every two seconds

without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart

is felt to be beating normally again.

Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs
plus coughing movements squeeze

the heart & keep the blood circulating

The squeezing pressure on the heart
also helps it regain normal rhythm.
In this way, heart attack victims

can get to a hospital. Tell as many
other people as possible about this.

It could save their lives..!! "

Iraqi Party Girl

  I am happy to announce that Sharon broke away from 15 hour days of work and was able to take time out for a party.  She emailed some pictures. Non-alcoholic beer and virgin margaritas were the taste treat. Sharon said they pretended it was the real thing! LOL
  I love getting the emails from her and the pictures too. She is a great gal. Hope the time passes quickly for her so she can come home.

Stress Test

  Okay now I can relax. Jeff was in the hospital till 4pm. Took all the tests an past with flying colors. Doctors all said he was very healthy. It is probably the stress from work mixed with a little too much beer over last weekend. Jeff was a volunteer at The Great American Beer Festival. Whew! What a relief.
  I am so tired, Didn’t get much sleep last night. And I worked a 11 hour shift to try to make up for some of the time I missed yesterday. Living paycheck to paycheck sucks, but I guess I should be thankful I have a job  Well I’m pooped so good night.

Chest Pains

  Today I work the late shift, 11-8pm. Its about 1:00 and I get a page for Pam in Pets line 2. My hubby is on the phone telling me he has been having chest pains for the last 2 days and he is going to drive to the hospital.  Gee wiz, I’m thinking to myself,"thanks for letting me know." I told himthat I’m leaving work and will meet him there. I guess at first he thought it was indigestion, but the pains got so bad today that it scared him.  His father had his first heart attack at only 54 years old and he was in perfect health. Then tripple bypass surgury 3 years later. He is 74 years old now and still doing well.
  I think Jeff was pretty scared at first. The ekg came out normal and the doctor had Jeff drink this awful pastel green stuff that numbed his throat and esophegus(I probably spelled that wrong). But it only took about 5 minutes for it to work. Sharp pains subsided. Doctor thinks it is acid reflux and the stress that Jeff is under at work is not a big help. But to make sure they kept him overnight. Tommarrow he will walk the treadmill and have a stress test.
  When I arrived at the hospital he was on a gerney with wires attached everywhere. It was pretty overwhelming. I started to cry and with a smile on his face he told me to sit down. That smile let me know he was ok.
  I believe it is time to make sure that we have healthy food in the house. I am going to do some meal planning. Healthy snacks, a salad everyday, more fruits and veggies. Jeff is terrible about eating veggies.Cutting down on the caffiene and the milk. More water and juice.
  Well its been quite a day. I’m going to try to get some sleep. ZZZzzzzzz